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About Gracien

From the streets of Cap-Haïtien, Haïti to Montréal, Canada to Seattle, Washington I have forged ahead in life with the firm belief that I had something to contribute to humanity and a story to tell.

I grew up often being the only black person in my class, sports team, and many other spaces. It was an awkward feeling. I was deeply aware from a young age of what it felt like to think I didn’t belong in certain spaces. Throughout my career, I have been focused on helping individuals and companies foster an inclusive climate that is open and welcoming for EVERYONE!

I began my career in the IT consulting business where I had the opportunity to work with clients ranging from Boeing, Premera Blue Cross, to Microsoft and various others. Across my career, I have led Employee Resource Groups (ERG) at Fujitsu Consulting and more recently at Starbucks, always forging forward and bringing about change to create inclusive climates where all are welcomed and valued.

During my time at Starbucks, I was an active leader in the Black Partner Network meeting with company executives to further employee experience, provide proactive ways to support career development and growth for all employees, and sharing knowledge with other partner networks such as Hora Del Cafe (Latinx ERG) Network, Pride Network and others.


I have taken my passion to non-profits building the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee at Seattle United FC, the largest youth soccer club on the West Coast (+2000 players). I also sit on the board of directors for Soccer4Change which aspires to lift youth out the restraints of poverty and limitations by providing support, mentorship, coaching, equipment, and educational tutoring.

About Gracien
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